The Right Way To Paint Walls

Preparation takes longer than the actual painting time, but it must be done and done correctly if you want the right way to paint walls. Taking the time to properly prepare the surface will make all the difference in the final results.

Paint covers discolorations, but does not cover surface flaws. Paint covers the small bumps, nicks, dents and cracks, but it will not make the blemishes go away, you must do that. Always buy the best paint, rollers, and brushes. Cheap paint will turn powdery after a couple of years. Cheap paint rollers and paint brushes, mar the surface by leaving fuzz and bristles behind.

Protect all surfaces you are not going to paint. Protect your floors, trim, woodwork, and furnishings. Failing to do so could be a major problem.

Clean the surface you are painting. Wipe down the walls or trim with trisodium phosphate or a phosphate free wall cleaner substitute. Then rinse the wall a sponge and clean water until the water runs clean, let the surface dry. Now you look for every repair or imperfection you can find to fix.

Caulk the cracks. Fill all exterior cracks with paintable caulk, between walls and moldings, run caulk down the corners if they are cracked, then smooth the caulk with a wet finger. This will give you a smooth transition between surfaces.

Glazier’s Putty. Glazer’s compound is a putty that sticks instantly and is used for filling exterior nail holes and dries very quickly.

Time to prime the surface. Applying a primer sealer keeps any underlying stains from eventually bleeding through. Primer forms a molecular bond between the paint and the wall.

Sanding between coats of paint. Sand the wall or really just quickly wipe the wall between each coat of paint with 120 grit sandpaper, then brush off the dust with a towel or old paint brush. A sanded wall when finished feels velvet smooth to the touch, an un-sanded wall feels slightly bumpy.

The actual painting of the walls is the easy part, just make sure you always end in an up and down motion if you can. You now know the correct way how to paint walls. All products can be found at places such as Home Depot, Home Hardware, Lowe’s etc.

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