How To Clean Your Stainless Steel Sinks

How to clean your Stainless Steel Sinks is a very frequently asked question by home owners. If you do not clean your stainless steel sinks properly, you could do some serious damage. Most people think that stainless steel sinks require no maintenance, this is is not true, they do require regular maintenance. Read on to find out all what you need to know how to properly care for your stainless steel sinks.

Stainless Sinks Do’s:

  • The best sink maintenance is a frequent regular cleaning routine. Frequent cleaning of your stainless sinks is preferable to a major cleaning every once in a while.
  •  You should rinse then towel dry the sink after each use in order to minimize larger cleanups down the road. This will also help keep it shiny and relatively free of ugly water spots.
  • Mineral deposit build can may be removed by using vinegar, Line Away or products as CLR, then followed by flushing the surface with water until all product is flushed away.
  • Always use the mildest cleaning procedure that will do the job effectively, this will ensure no damage is done to your stainless steel.
  • On the mirror finish use either a liquid detergent or non abrasive metal polish, with a soft cloth.
  • Inside the sink bowl it’s self use a mild abrasive cleanser such as Old Dutch, Comet etc only scrubbing lightly, then rinse thoroughly and wipe the sink dry.
  • When cleaning or scrubbing your sink to remove stubborn stains, you need to follow the direction of the grain line. If you are scrubbing across the grain line, it will show as a scratch. Always Scrub in the same direction as the grain, this will blend in any surface scratches.

         Stainless Steel Sinks Dont’s:

  • Steel wools pads should never be used to clean your stainless steel sink as they will leave a residue of iron particles, which will lead to rusting. You can use Scotch Brite pads for this purpose if you wish.
  • Never leave any mild steel or cast iron cookware, pots, etc in the sink for extended periods of time, this will lead to staining of your sink. Also never leave wet sponges or cleaning pads in your sink for long periods as they again Will trap water and stain or discolor your sink.
  • Some people use Chlorine bleach to clean their sink, this is is not a good idea as will attack the stainless steel and could cause pitting of the steel.
  •  Foods such as pickles, mustard’s, even salt laden foodstuffs can cause pitting of the sink surface if left for prolonged periods.
  • Cutlery can causes scratches or marking, some people do not mind this, but for those of you who do you can buy bottom sink grids to protect from cutlery scratches.

Getting Rid Of Sink Odor:

  • You can pour some fine baking soda in your sink and let sit for about 10 minutes then light scrub away and flush with warm water to remove sink odor.
  • You can also pour some regular plain old mouthwash in your sink and again let sit for about 10 minutes then flush away with warm water. This will also kill bacteria and make your sink and drain pipes smell nice and fresh.

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