How To Easily Lower Water Bill Secret Tip

Everyone hates paying the high cost of water, follow this water bill secret tip and see a lower water bill, it works every time. We all use water in our homes and the larger your family is, the more water you will use, thus your water bill will be higher. Of course trying to use less water is going to cut down your water bill, but that is hard to do especially if you have a larger family. Everyone is going to take a shower or bath, which uses up water. Also everyone must use the toilet and so again lots of water use daily, but this is the one area of water use we can give you a secret tip to cut down the cost.

We all must go to the bathroom that is a given. It’s the flushing of the toilet that uses up the water. The more you flush the more water is used, so obviously your water bill is going to increase. If you add up the number of times a toilet is flushed daily in the average home after going pee, it is somewhere between 5-15 flushes per day, using about 2 gallons of water per flush. Also many municipalities charge sewer rates based on your water usage, so to compensate for this as well, we’ll calculate it at a rate of 3/10ths of a cent per each gallon of water used. So let’s say one person flushed the toilet after going pee a low average of 5 times daily for a year, that would be five toilet flushes per day times 365 days, equaling 1,825 flushes. Each flush uses two gallons of water, meaning he would use 3,650 gallons of water over one year’s time. Each gallon of water will cost 3/10ths of a cent, so the total cost for a year’s worth of normal flushing is going to cost $10.95 for one person. So if three people, it would cost $32.85 per year. In the real world the toilet is most likely going to be flushed an average of 15 times daily, so round that off to about $100 per year or about $20 per monthly water bill. This is for a small toilet using about 2 gallons of water each flush, there are more toilets out there that use 3 to 4 gallons per flush. If you have one of these, your water bill will be more than double of the cost of a 2 gallon toilet.

Now with this out of the way, here is the secret you can apply to lower your toilet flush water bill. First thing in the morning you take some Dawn Dish Detergent or other, then lift up your toilet seat and squirt the dish soap in a circle inside the toilet bowl. This will do a few things. One, it blocks the odor of urine and will not allow the urine in the toilet to build up on the bowl. So every time you go pee, you just do not flush the toilet, you let it sit until you must flush it like if you go and take a poop, then of course flush the toilet, then re-apply the dish soap around the toilet bowl again and follow as before. Using this secret method a larger family could realistically reduce their water bill between $200 and $300 per year, or about $17 to over $25 monthly.

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How To Fix A Kitchen Sink Drain That Smells Bad

If your kitchen sink drain has a bad smell, here is a simple easy very effective way to attack the problem and make your kitchen sink free of bad odors. Your kitchen sink drain over time will build up with gunk which smells like something is rotting. This smelly odor is most likely just the garbage that has built up on the inside of your sink drain pipes. You can clean your sink over and over until it sparkles on the outside, but on the inside it could be coated with black gunk that will never wash away using normal cleaning methods.

Some people say using baking soda and white vinegar will do the job and in some cases yes it may work ok, but only if the drain pipes have just a light build up of this smelly slimy gunk. We have found a better way to get rid of this smelly gunk and the odor it causes. Instead of the baking soda and vinegar combination, try using a combination of baking soda and concentrated lemon juice, which can be bought for very cheap at places such as Walmart in plastic bottles and also makes all smell lemony which is better than the vinegar smell in our opinion. When you get your supplies together and are ready to get rid of your kitchen sink odor, you should also have on hand a face cloth and a small regular toilet plunger. You may need to use the plunger to get the water moving depending on how much slimy gunk comes off the insides of your drain pipe walls.

First start by taking a box of baking soda and pour it into your kitchen sink drain, if you have a dual sink then pour one half of the baking soda into each drain. Your sink should be dry when doing this. Then slowly pour a little lemon juice onto of the baking soda on each drain, it will fizz. When the fizz dies down a little pour some more lemon juice into each drain and keep doing this until all lemon juice has washed the baking soda away and into your sink drain (use a whole box baking soda and whole bottle of lemon juice). You will hear fizzing deep down inside your drain, just leave it sit for 15 min and let it do it’s job. After waiting 15 min, flush warm to hot water into the sink to flush all away. If your sink stops and gets plugged, this is where you need the plunger to gently push the water through the pipe along with all the nasty material that was loosened up and came off the pipe walls. You may even has a bunch of gunk coming back into your sink, you will have to scoop it out as best you can.

When all is clear and your sink is flowing normal again, you then should put in your sink plug and fill the sink up with warm to hot water, then pull the plug and all will flush through, leaving your sink much cleaner and odor free. For most doing this once a month should keep all clean and nicer smelling, but if at anytime you feel the need to freshen your kitchen sink drain, just repeat the procedure as necessary to keep your kitchen sink odor under control.

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How To Clean Your Stainless Steel Sinks

How to clean your Stainless Steel Sinks is a very frequently asked question by home owners. If you do not clean your stainless steel sinks properly, you could do some serious damage. Most people think that stainless steel sinks require no maintenance, this is is not true, they do require regular maintenance. Read on to find out all what you need to know how to properly care for your stainless steel sinks.

Stainless Sinks Do’s:

  • The best sink maintenance is a frequent regular cleaning routine. Frequent cleaning of your stainless sinks is preferable to a major cleaning every once in a while.
  •  You should rinse then towel dry the sink after each use in order to minimize larger cleanups down the road. This will also help keep it shiny and relatively free of ugly water spots.
  • Mineral deposit build can may be removed by using vinegar, Line Away or products as CLR, then followed by flushing the surface with water until all product is flushed away.
  • Always use the mildest cleaning procedure that will do the job effectively, this will ensure no damage is done to your stainless steel.
  • On the mirror finish use either a liquid detergent or non abrasive metal polish, with a soft cloth.
  • Inside the sink bowl it’s self use a mild abrasive cleanser such as Old Dutch, Comet etc only scrubbing lightly, then rinse thoroughly and wipe the sink dry.
  • When cleaning or scrubbing your sink to remove stubborn stains, you need to follow the direction of the grain line. If you are scrubbing across the grain line, it will show as a scratch. Always Scrub in the same direction as the grain, this will blend in any surface scratches.

         Stainless Steel Sinks Dont’s:

  • Steel wools pads should never be used to clean your stainless steel sink as they will leave a residue of iron particles, which will lead to rusting. You can use Scotch Brite pads for this purpose if you wish.
  • Never leave any mild steel or cast iron cookware, pots, etc in the sink for extended periods of time, this will lead to staining of your sink. Also never leave wet sponges or cleaning pads in your sink for long periods as they again Will trap water and stain or discolor your sink.
  • Some people use Chlorine bleach to clean their sink, this is is not a good idea as will attack the stainless steel and could cause pitting of the steel.
  •  Foods such as pickles, mustard’s, even salt laden foodstuffs can cause pitting of the sink surface if left for prolonged periods.
  • Cutlery can causes scratches or marking, some people do not mind this, but for those of you who do you can buy bottom sink grids to protect from cutlery scratches.

Getting Rid Of Sink Odor:

  • You can pour some fine baking soda in your sink and let sit for about 10 minutes then light scrub away and flush with warm water to remove sink odor.
  • You can also pour some regular plain old mouthwash in your sink and again let sit for about 10 minutes then flush away with warm water. This will also kill bacteria and make your sink and drain pipes smell nice and fresh.

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How To Make Your Toilet Flush Better Tips and Tricks

At some point in our life you will have toilet flushing issues and will need to make your toilet flush better. Usually all that is required to fix this common toilet problem, are a few simple tricks. If your toilet is very old, like over twenty five years old, it may be worth while to just replace the whole toilet as a unit. This way you start off with brand spanking new parts good for many years to come and is really not to expensive to do.

Some people would rather not replace their toilet and would like to just improve the flush, so it is close to flushing like new again. Let’s assume the internals inside your toilets tank such as your seals and floats etc are OK! Yet you still have a poor flushing issue. Follow these steps first before proceeding to the next level.

  1. Is Your Toilet Bowl Partially Plugged? What you can do to tell if your toilet bowl is partially plugged or not, is to pour a gallon off water all at once into the toilet bowl and see if it flushes right away and properly! If it does flush properly, move on to step 2. It it does not flush properly, there is your problem and you need to un-plug your toilet bowl before moving on to step 2.
  2. If you are now on step 2, we know your toilet bowl is not plugged. The next thing you will do is remove your toilet tank lid and see if your water level correct. There will be a mark on the side of the tank, where your water level should be set at for best flushing power. If the water level is correct, but still has a poor flushing problem, move on to step 3. If your water level is to high or to low, you must set it by adjusting your water tank float assembly.
  3. If you are now on step 3 you know your toilet bowl is not plugged and your toilet tank level is correct. The next thing you will do is clear the toilet bowls flush holes located just underneath the inside rim of your toilet bowl. You will have to kneel down to see these holes as they are small. You will need to get a small drill bit, or possibly a piece of steel coat hanger and push it through each of these small holes to clear out the built up junk. These holes over time get partially blocked or some fully block and will cause your toilet flushing power to decease significantly. Once these holes are thoroughly cleaned out, check your toilets flushing power to see if improved or not. You are now ready to go to the next level!

After you have completed the steps above you will now apply the next set of tricks/steps to improve your toilets flushing power.

  1. Turn of your toilets water tank water supply. The water supply valve will be located on a tube connecting the toilet to the water supply coming out of the wall or floor. There will be a knob or shut of valve, turn it to your right to close it and shut off the water supply. Now remove your toilets tank lid and flush your toilet. This will allow almost all the water to flow out from the toilet tank and not be replaced until you turn back on the water supply. Now pour into your toilet tank about one gallon of common house hold bleach ( open windows for ventilation). Allow the bleach to just sit inside the toilet tank for 15-20 minutes, but no longer as can start to eat seals. After 15-20 min flush toilet as usual, so all the bleach can go through the internals of your toilet and fee up and dissolve built up junk, which tends to reduce your flushing power. Turn your tank water supply back on (open at least 2 full tuns or completely) and let the tank fill up, then flush your toilet to flush out the bleach and junk repeat this 3-4 times to thoroughly flush out the bleach.
  2. Your next step is to pour about 1 quart of plain white vinegar down the tube inside your toilet tank, that your water tank rubber fill hose will be connected to. Just remove the rubber hose, pour the white vinegar down the tube using a funnel, then let this sit for at least 2 hours or as long as possible before flushing the toilet again. This again will help dissolve junk and disinfect your toilet bowl internals hopefully improving your toilets flushing power.

After doing all of this your toilet should have a much better flushing power. You can do the 2 steps in the second level every so often as your regular toilet maintenance and it will keep it working like new as long as possible. As you can see a variety of issues can cause your toilet to loss it’s flushing power, but by applying these easy home fix tips and tricks your toilet will be flushing away in no time!

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Leaky Toilet Easy Fix

Most people at some point will find they are faced with a toilet issue and the most common being a leaky toilet. Now when this occurs you have a few options to choose from, you can either call a plumber or you can fix the leaky toilet yourself. Calling a plumber will cost more money as he is a professional and knows what to do, however in some cases calling a plumber might not be necessary as you could easily fix the problem yourself and we can help you with that.

Toilet leaks are very common and do often start small unlike other leaks you may get in your home and can go unnoticed. The best way to catch a leak in your toilet to do a check or procedure ever six months. Toilet leaks can waste 2,500 litres a month, which is enough to fill your bathtub about 28 times. So the toilet leak test is really something every home owner should be doing.

Here is the test steps:

Put several drops of food coloring in your toilet tank and wait about 15 minutes.

Then look into the toilet bowl, if the water in the bowl changes color, you have a leak.

If you have a leak, you can try some very simple repair tips first, if these do not work then you need to call a plumber.

The number one culprit for most toilet leaks is the flapper located on the inside bottom of your toilet tank. It needs to seal properly to hold the water in, but over time the seal can wear causing a leak.

Check the flapper by rubbing the bottom of the flapper with your fingers, if it leaves streaks of rubber on your fingers, it needs to be replaced.

You can easily remove the old flapper and take it along with you, so you get the correct part. Then just re-install and you should be good to go.

Also sometimes just a good cleaning of the flapper seal area will allow it to work again properly, but in general flappers are cheap to buy, so we would suggest going with a new one.


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Home Safe Cleaning Products – White Vinegar

Regular white vinegar is a very popular very safe household cleanser. It is very effective for killing most molds, bacteria, and nasty germs, due to the level of  acidity white vinegar contains. Cleaning with white vinegar is the new smart way to clean area’s of your home, while avoiding using harsh chemicals that could put you and your family at risk of nasty health problems . Also white vinegar is an environmentally safe friendly and very economical home cleaning product you simply must be using.

Use White Vinegar For Cleaning:

  • Make your own safe scouring cleanser: Just combine 1/4 cup baking soda with 1 tablespoon liquid dish detergent. Then add just enough white distilled vinegar to give it a thick and creamy texture.
  • Clean your counter tops: This cleans and will make them smell sweet again. Just wipe with a cloth soaked in undiluted white distilled vinegar.
  • To clean and deodorize a sink drain: Just pour down 1 cup baking soda, then pour down one cup hot white vinegar. You now let this sit for about 5 minutes, then run hot water down the drain for about 1 minute.
  • To easily clean and shine chrome sink fixtures: For all sinks or sinks that have a lime buildup, use a paste made of 2 tablespoons salt and 1 teaspoon white vinegar, then using a soft rag gently scrub clean, rinse with plain water.
  • Clean a smelly microwave: You mix 1/2 cup white vinegar and 1/2 cup water in a microwave safe bowl. Bring  the mixture to a rolling boil inside the microwave. All baked on food will be loosened and smelly odors will disappear. You then wipe clean.
  • How to easily clean a grease splattered oven door window: Completely saturate the glass window while door is in the open position with full-strength white vinegar. You could even saturate paper towels with the vinegar and place over the glass oven window. Keep the door open, let vinegar sit and do it’s work for 15 to 20 minutes, then simply wipe off with a sponge.
  • How to Remove soap buildup and odors from the dishwasher: by pouring a cup of white distilled vinegar inside an empty dishwasher and then just running it through a whole cycle. Or you can pour 1 cup of white vinegar into a smaller pan and place it on the top shelf inside the machine, then run it through a whole cycle.
  • Remove stains from coffee cups and teacups: Just scrub them gently with equal parts of table salt (or baking soda) and white vinegar. Then rinse clean.
  • Deodorize the toilet bowl safe and easily: Pour 3 cups white vinegar into the toilet bowl and let sit in it for about a half hour, then flush.
  • Clean up pet accidents safely on carpet: You first blot the area clean and then again adding a white vinegar and water solution of 1 part vinegar to 3 parts water. Blot area until it is almost dry. Then sprinkle baking soda over the area and let it dry. Vacuum up the residue left the next day. Don’t worry the vinegar will evaporate under carpet if runs through. DO NOT SCRUB HARD ONLY BLOT!
  • Easily get rid of mildew, dust, and other stale odors: by simply wiping down walls with undiluted white distilled vinegar on a cloth or a sponge mop. Wipe softly, do not press hard and wipe.
  • Remove mineral deposits easily from coffee makers: Fill the water reservoir with 1 cup or a little more of white distilled vinegar and run it through a cycle. Run it through couple more times with just plain water to rinse clean. (Best to first check the owners to see if is OK to do)
  • Easily cleans your mini blinds: by wearing a pair of white cotton gloves, just dip gloved fingers into a solution of equal parts white vinegar and warm tap water, then run your fingers across both sides of each blind. (Not for use on wood blinds)

As you can see, cleaning with white vinegar is very safe and white vinegar is very cheap to buy. Make sure to have plenty of white vinegar on hand as it is so useful as a safe cleaning product.

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How To Apply Silicone Caulk Smoothly Tips

How to apply Silicone Caulk seems to be an area where many people get frustrated, as it can be difficult and quite messy. When using Silicone Caulk it is very easy to apply an excess amount, this is what you do not want to do, it will create a big mess when trying to smooth out after it has been applied.

Most people who use Silicone Caulk just use their finger as a way to smooth it out after it is applied, this works ok, but there are a few other ways to improve on this technique. There is a special tool that you can buy at places like Lowes or Home Depot that really smooth’s the caulk out nicely. The tool is  shaped like an arrow head with a handle and the tip is rounded and seems to do a good job.

I myself have caulked all around the windows, bath tubes, showers and backsplash in my own home, I have mastered the art of getting nice smooth neat flat lines.

Here is what I do when applying Silicone Caulking:

1- Start Caulking along the edge trying to get a good steady even bead. I go all the way around the tub for example in one go, then when done, I go back and fill in any small bits I may have missed.
2- Using my finger and or latex gloves, I dip my finger in a liquid soap with water solution, now run your index finger along the seam in one direction from end to end.
This smooth’s really good and it does not stick to the soap solution, so no residue on the finger to clean at all.
3- Wipe the left over residue away if any with a clean damp smooth rag (no loose threads to come off in your work).

This my secret to success when Caulking and getting a nice smooth bead with nice smooth edges.

You also can try putting painters tape along the border (each side) of where you are going to be Caulking. Using this method, you can Caulk, then wipe the excess off without much mess, smooth the Caulk a little, then you peal off the tape slowly, then as in number 2 above, smooth out the Caulk. There will be a lot less Caulking, so smoothing is faster and easier.

Always take your time when doing caulking, if you rush you will only do a messy job that will have to be re-done taking up even more time. You do a job right the first time and it saves time and money.

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Furnace Tips To Keep It Running Efficiently

Furnace efficiently definition means performing, or functioning in the best possible manner with the least waste of time and effort. If you’d had just taken a few moments to make sure your furnace was happy and content, you wouldn’t be standing there in the colder months hollow-eyed, swathed in five layers of clothes, looking at a dead heating system, wishing you had done better maintenance. But since you and your furnace aren’t talking now, we will be happy to help by giving you some simple maintenance furnace tips you can do yourself at home, and save a lot of money!

Replace your furnace air filter frequently! A clogged air filter does make your furnace work much harder to heat your home. Straining your furnace is never a good thing and will eventually cause a problem. The filter works hard to protect the blower fan from all the dust, hair, pollen and various gunk. A dirty furnace filter makes your furnace work harder and can decrease its life expectancy. Changing your furnace filter at least every 90 days is a good idea, changing it sooner is even better.

Do a thermostat test to make its working correctly. Set the thermostat to a warmer temperature than outside, and wait for the furnace to kick on. For a very accurate test, you can leave the furnace running to see if it reaches the desired temperature, but simply checking to see if it kicks on and off is likely enough to ensure that the thermostat and the rest of the furnace is functioning correctly. This is an over looked furnace tip that should be done.

Clean up your furnace and give your furnace a wide berth. Your furnace does heat up a lot during operation, and it has many delicate systems running at the same time to keep your home comfortable and warm. To make sure the system is able to run safely and most effectively, you need to clean all around the furnace regularly and avoid cluttering up the space around the unit.

If you haven’t performed regular furnace maintenance for a while, you might want to contact a professional to check your whole system out. This is a good idea just to make sure all is in tip top running form, that way you won’t have to worry about a thing!


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How To Reduce Dust In Your Home

Let’s face it no one wants dust build up in their home, this easy home fix will help you learn how to easily reduce dust build up in your home. Yes, you can vacuum your home and dust off your furniture, shelves and so on every single day, yet the dust build up will still be back there with-in 24 hours or so. This dust is actually coming from your home heating vents, taking consideration that your windows are close so dust is not always entering from the outside.

Some people think by getting their heating ducts cleaned will stop the dust, well it will a little, but does not stop it completely as it is coming from the outside into your ducting, then gets blown throughout your home. Really there is nothing you can do to prevent this if just left as is. Now for those of you that want to reduce the amount of dust coming out from your heating ducts, there are special filters made to fit most regular style floor air vents and they can be easily trimmed for an exact fit. These are special filters designed to block dust, yet still allow good air flow through them, you just put them in place and your set to go.

I have been using these special filter for the last 5 years and can honestly say they do work great, our home is far less dusty then it used to be as seen on our furniture (dust build up). There is no maintenance for these filters, you simply replace them every year or two and your good to go once again and the best part is they are not very expensive. If interested in these special dust reducing filters for your home to keep the dust levels from building up throughout, you can find them at places such as Home Depot, Lowe’s home hardware, Canadian Tire, other home hardware stores, or can be bought from Amazon online, so they are easily found and very cheap and would be very beneficial for any house hold. Try this simple home fix and pass it on to your friends they will thank you!


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How To Put On Rubber Baseboards

Here is how to put on Rubber Baseboards fast and easy. You can use rubber baseboards as an alternative to regular wooden baseboards in any area you want to, especially around areas that may get wet and as an added bonus, rubber baseboards resist scratches, scrapes and scuffs. These types of baseboards are great for kitchens, bathroom, games rooms, even the garage! Rubber baseboards help protect your walls and will give the whole room a nice clean look. Installing your rubber baseboard is very simple, here is what you will need for the job:

  • Rubber baseboard
  • Adhesive
  • Utility knife
  • Square
  • Notched trowel
  • Tape measure
  • Scrap wood
  • Caulk gun
  • Rags

First you must measure and prepare the area you are installing the rubber baseboards:

The first thing that you do to install rubber baseboard is to measure the area you are putting the baseboards on with a measuring tape. Then you would of course purchase the right amount or length of rubber baseboard. Rubber baseboard usually comes in a few inches high to four inches high, so choose the right height you want. Next clean the walls as best you can, also you must remove old baseboard if needed along with any old adhesive. Cut your baseboard to the exact lengths you need before you start installing them. Mark on the baseboard where it needs to be cut, then lay the baseboard on a piece of wood and use the square and your utility knife to make a nice straight cut.

Applying the adhesive to install rubber baseboard:

Make sure you buy the correct adhesive for the job, if unsure just ask a sales person. The adhesive may come in a tube or a caulk tube, which needs to be put in the caulking gun in order to apply it to the back of your rubber baseboards. Apply your adhesive to the back of the rubber baseboard using a zig-zag pattern, then with the notched trowel spread the adhesive over the whole back of your install rubber baseboard.

Installing rubber Baseboard around Corners:

Installing and cutting rubber baseboard on even walls is fairly simple, but corners can be a little trickier. When you come to an inside corner area, you need to install one piece all the way into the corner. Then take another piece of baseboard and cut off the lip at the bottom and fit it directly up against the first piece. When you have an outside corner, as around your cabinets, you would just wrap it with the rubber baseboard.

That is all there is to it, just take your time and you will do a fine job!

Cutting Rubber Baseboard


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